Critical Mass Business Talk Show | Orange County’s Longest-Running Business Talk Show
Hosted by Ric Franzi, Critical Mass Business Talk Show is Orange County, California’s longest running business talk show, focused on exploring topics of interest to executives, entrepreneurs and non-profit leaders in Southern California and beyond.

Wednesday Jul 16, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show July 15, 2014 Nancy Lerner
Wednesday Jul 16, 2014
Wednesday Jul 16, 2014
Nancy Lerner, President of Otherwise Incorporated joined our program to talk to us about how important it is for a brand or marketing campaign to be relatable to its target audience. Nancy joins us from Chicago, and takes us through a typical client process when helping them create a brand strategy.

Wednesday Jul 16, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show July 15, 2014 Jessica Gonzales and Nancy Lerner
Wednesday Jul 16, 2014
Wednesday Jul 16, 2014
Economic Development Manager for the City of Lakeforest, Jessica Gonzales joined our show to talk about what the city is doing to help its businesses and why so many companies of all sizes have flourished. Jessica also talks about some of the programs and services the city offers to help grow its businesses. Nancy Lerner, President of Otherwise Incorporated joined our program to talk to us about how important it is for a brand or marketing campaign to be relatable to its target audience. Nancy joins us from Chicago, and takes us through a typical client process when helping them create a brand strategy.

Monday Jul 14, 2014
Critical Mass Coast to Coast Radio Show July 10, 2014 Michael Hughes
Monday Jul 14, 2014
Monday Jul 14, 2014
Michael Hughes, owner of the Holiday Barn, joined our show to talk about the success of his premiere pet resort. As a family owned and operated business since 1972, Holiday Barn's success has be attributed to distinct core values that the business focuses on in order to provide its clients with top notch services.

Monday Jul 14, 2014
Monday Jul 14, 2014
Chief Investment Officer at RiverFront Investment Group, Michael Jones joined our program to talk about how his firm is helping middle market companies invest wisely. Michael also talks about the methodology of the Art and Science of Dynamic Investing. Michael Hughes, owner of the Holiday Barn, joined our show to talk about the success of his premiere pet resort. As a family owned and operated business since 1972, Holiday Barn's success has be attributed to distinct core values that the business focuses on in order to provide its clients with top notch services.

Thursday Jul 10, 2014
Thursday Jul 10, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show presents Final Fridays LIVE at Brandman University. Our expert panelists included Dr. Mick Ukleja, founder and president of Leadership TraQ; Dr. Loren O'Conner, Director of the Office of Disability Service at Brandman University; Dr. Forouzan Golshani, Dean of the College of Engineer at California State University Long Beach; and Dr. Samuel Bresler, Associate Vice Chancellor, Human Resource, Learning and Development at Brandman University. Our guest panelists enthusiastically discussed the topic: Is there an ROI (Return on Investment) on ethics in business?

Thursday Jul 10, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show July 9, 2014 Christopher Ponzi
Thursday Jul 10, 2014
Thursday Jul 10, 2014
Christopher Ponzi, co-founder of Fair Trade Film, joined our program as our special featured guest to discuss the impact on the growing video marketing scene. As a millennial, Christopher and his team bring a different approach to the art of video creating and blending that artistic aspect with business marketing. Fair Trade Film aims to help middle market companies create agency quality products at an affordable price.Click here to check out the behind the scenes video!

Wednesday Jul 09, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show July 8, 2014 Mark Mathews and Erick Wolf
Wednesday Jul 09, 2014
Wednesday Jul 09, 2014
President Mark Mathews and founder Erick Wolf of AirWolf 3D joined our program to talk to us about how the latest trend in executives from legacy companies jumping on board to the latest start ups. Mark Mathews shared with us his appeal to AirWolf and how AirWolf has begun to raise and produce revenue a the same time.

Wednesday Jul 09, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show July 8, 2014 Harris Glasser, Mark Mathews and Erick Wolf
Wednesday Jul 09, 2014
Wednesday Jul 09, 2014
Do you want to keep more of your hard earned money? Harris Glasser, author of It's my Money & I Want it, joined us in the studio to share his path of multi-industry entrepreneurship to his latest book on how to really analyze your finances to keep your money. Harris said one of the keys to success in any business is to have great relationships and to always stand up for yourself. Click here to check out the behind the scenes video!President Mark Mathews and founder Erick Wolf of AirWolf 3D joined our program to talk to us about how the latest trend in executives from legacy companies jumping on board to the latest start ups. Mark Mathews shared with us his appeal to AirWolf and how AirWolf has begun to raise and produce revenue a the same time.

Thursday Jul 03, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show July 2, 2014 Scott Duffy
Thursday Jul 03, 2014
Thursday Jul 03, 2014
Are you interested in becoming an entrepreneur? CEO and founder of The Launch Project, Scott Duffy joined our show to discuss with us his own path to entrepreneurship and how his firm is helping entrepreneur start their dreams. The Launch Project offers a 12 step program guide to successfully creating and sustaining a business. Click here to check out the behind the scenes video!

Thursday Jul 03, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show July 2, 2014 Claudia Miller and Scott Duffy
Thursday Jul 03, 2014
Thursday Jul 03, 2014
Owner of ADirections, Claudia Miller joined us in the studio to talk about how her graphics company is helping middle market companies with delivery quality graphics at an affordable price point. ADirections helps companies on everything from their branding, printing and showcasing of their business. Are you interested in becoming an entrepreneur? CEO and founder of The Launch Project, Scott Duffy joined our show to discuss with us his own path to entrepreneurship and how his firm is helping entrepreneur start their dreams. The Launch Project offers a 12 step program guide to successfully creating and sustaining a business. Click here to check out the behind the scenes video!

Wednesday Jul 02, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show July 1, 2014 Joseph McElroy
Wednesday Jul 02, 2014
Wednesday Jul 02, 2014
Joseph McElroy, CEO of Galileo Tech Media joined our program to talk about how to effectively market to consumers and understand that in this growing trend of digital technology, quality content is what will drive consumer purchases.

Wednesday Jul 02, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show July 1, 2014 Nadine Lajoie and Joseph McElroy
Wednesday Jul 02, 2014
Wednesday Jul 02, 2014
Serial entrepreneur, speaker, author and motorcycle racer Nadine Lajoie joined us in our studio to talk discuss with us her journey which has led her to write her book, Win the Race of Life with Balance and Passion at 180 MPH. Nadine also talked to us about her latest venture into hosting a teen CEO business reality show. Joseph McElroy, CEO of Galileo Tech Media joined our program to talk about how to effectively market to consumers and understand that in this growing trend of digital technology, quality content is what will drive consumer purchases.

Friday Jun 27, 2014
Critical Mass Non-Profit Radio Show Working Wardrobes VetNet Nite
Friday Jun 27, 2014
Friday Jun 27, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show host Richard Franzi attended the annual Working Wardrobe VetNet Nite on the Battleship USS IOWA this past weekend to learn more about Working Wardrobes fundraising event that supported all veterans returning to the workforce.

Friday Jun 27, 2014
Critical Mass Coast to Coast Radio Show Sandra Leibowitz
Friday Jun 27, 2014
Friday Jun 27, 2014
Managing Principal at Sustainable Design Consulting, Sandra Leibowitz, joined our show to talk about the trend in moving towards green buildings in both commercial and private establishments. With the movement towards green energy, sustainable green construction is also on the rise.

Friday Jun 27, 2014
Friday Jun 27, 2014
Sandy McDougle, founder and owner of Sandy's Plants, turned her hobby and passion for botanical gardening into a family owned business in the Richmond, VA area. With many offers to sell to larger botanical companies, Sandy refused and decided that the one on one intimate relationships with her customers were an important aspect to the success of her business. Managing Principal at Sustainable Design Consulting, Sandra Leibowitz, joined our show to talk about the trend in moving towards green buildings in both commercial and private establishments. With the movement towards green energy, sustainable green construction is also on the rise. Critical Mass Radio Show host Richard Franzi attended the annual Working Wardrobe VetNet Nite on the Battleship USS IOWA this past weekend to learn more about Working Wardrobes fundraising event that supported all veterans returning to the workforce.

Thursday Jun 26, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show June 25, 2014 Cassandra Novak-Tobey
Thursday Jun 26, 2014
Thursday Jun 26, 2014
Founder and Executive Director of The Prosperity Center, Cassandra Novak-Tobey joined our program to talk about how her organization helps disadvantaged individuals develop economic stability for themselves. The Prosperity Center holds programs that help foster the power of entrepreneurship which in turn helps with the growth of the local economy.

Thursday Jun 26, 2014
Thursday Jun 26, 2014
Community Development Manager Sabrina Irsay and Even Chair for the Bocce Invitational Carol Fox, joined our non-profit show to share more about the Crohns and Colitis Foundation of America. Sabrina and Carol talked about their connection with Crohns and Colitis and how they became involved with the organization as well sharing more about their annual CCFA Bocce Invitational event. Founder and Executive Director of The Prosperity Center, Cassandra Novak-Tobey joined our program to talk about how her organization helps disadvantaged individuals develop economic stability for themselves. The Prosperity Center holds programs that help foster the power of entrepreneurship which in turn helps with the growth of the local economy.

Wednesday Jun 25, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show June 4, 2014 Wally Hauck
Wednesday Jun 25, 2014
Wednesday Jun 25, 2014
Are workplace performance reviews really an effective way to evaluate the progress of an employee? Wally Hauck, President of Optimum Leadership, joined our show to talk about his new book The Art of Leading and how CEO's and business leaders of middle market companies can successfully engage and motivate their workforce.

Wednesday Jun 25, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show June 24, 2014 John Bates and Wally Hauck
Wednesday Jun 25, 2014
Wednesday Jun 25, 2014
John Bates, Founder and CEO of Executive Speaking Success joined us in the studio to share with us his unconventional path to his firm. John recently returned from a TEDx Taiz where he was a speaker and attributes his speaking success to these factors: being a greater listener and being coachable. Are workplace performance reviews really an effective way to evaluate the progress of an employee? Wally Hauck, President of Optimum Leadership, joined our show to talk about his new book The Art of Leading and how CEO's and business leaders of middle market companies can successfully engage and motivate their workforce.

Thursday Jun 19, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show June 18, 2014 Eve Yen
Thursday Jun 19, 2014
Thursday Jun 19, 2014
From a garage based business to a growing manufacturing business, Eve Yen, Owner and founder of Diamond Wipes, joined our show to share her inspiring story about her path to her business. Diamond Wipes has become an innovator and continues to grow as one of the nations top manufacturers in disposable wipes industry.

Thursday Jun 19, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show June 18, 2014 Jerry Slusiewicz, Eve Yen and Azia Celestino
Thursday Jun 19, 2014
Thursday Jun 19, 2014
What is your money telling you? Jerry Slusiewicz, principal at Pacific Financial Planners, LLC joined us in the studio to talk about how his firm is helping middle market companies strategically manage their finances. Jerry also hosts a financial business talk show called "Your Money Talks." From a garage based business to a growing manufacturing business, Eve Yen, Owner and founder of Diamond Wipes, joined our show to share her inspiring story about her path to her business. Diamond Wipes has become an innovator and continues to grow as one of the nations top manufacturers in disposable wipes industry. Our Critical Mass Radio Show Marketing Strategist Azia Celestino called into our show share with us about the recent Orange County Global Women's Conference she attended. The goal of OC Global Women's Conference is to help women of all backgrounds reach their greatest potential through mentoring and workshops dedicated to female empowerment.

Wednesday Jun 18, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show June 17, 2014 Hema Dey
Wednesday Jun 18, 2014
Wednesday Jun 18, 2014
President and CEO of her own firm IFFEL International, Hema Dey joined our show to talk about how her firm is helping companies in their trading and development solutions. Hema talks about the difference between eCommerce and the growing influence of mCommerce and how the future of business is rapidly moving towards these digital solutions.

Wednesday Jun 18, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show June 17, 2014 Norman Wolfe and Hema Dey
Wednesday Jun 18, 2014
Wednesday Jun 18, 2014
Norman Wolfe, CEO of Quantum Leaders, joined our program to talk about how he uses the methods of the Living Organization Model to help middle market companies execute their business strategy. Norm also emphasizes that this strategy can help achieve sustainable growth and sustainable revenue. President and CEO of her own firm IFFEL International, Hema Dey joined our show to talk about how her firm is helping companies in their trading and development solutions. Hema talks about the difference between eCommerce and the growing influence of mCommerce and how the future of business is rapidly moving towards these digital solutions.

Thursday Jun 12, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show June 11, 2014 Rick Weinberg
Thursday Jun 12, 2014
Thursday Jun 12, 2014
Interested in reading feature stories on your local business owner? Rick Weinberg, editor of the California Business Journal joined us in the studio to share his successful business motto. California Business Journal focuses on quality of content featuring stories about local businesses and business leaders in Southern California.

Thursday Jun 12, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show June 11, 2014 Tim Wackel and Rick Weinberg
Thursday Jun 12, 2014
Thursday Jun 12, 2014
Are you looking to turn your sales revenue around? Tim Wackel, founder and president of The Wackel Group joined us in the studio to discuss what sales strategies are and are not working. The Wackel Group helps leaders of middle market companies create successful sales solutions and boost their sales revenue. Interested in reading feature stories on your local business owner? Rick Weinberg, editor of the California Business Journal joined us in the studio to share his successful business motto. California Business Journal focuses on quality of content featuring stories about local businesses and business leaders in Southern California.

Wednesday Jun 11, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show June 10, 2014 Bhava Ram
Wednesday Jun 11, 2014
Wednesday Jun 11, 2014
Author of Warriors Pose: How Yoga literally saved my Life, and founder of Deep Yoga School of Heeling Arts, Bhava Ram joined our program to share his incredible story with us. Bhava talks about his early career as a broadcast journalist and how during an unexpected turn of events eventually lead him to turn to the power or yoga to heel his mind and his body.

Friday Jun 06, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show June 4, 2014 Vince Duran
Friday Jun 06, 2014
Friday Jun 06, 2014
Vince Duran, owner of Duran Ads, joined us in the studio to talk about the success of his advertising firm. In an age where new technology has taken over the industry, Vince finds that traditional advertising and marketing is actually the most effective way to market a product.

Friday Jun 06, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show June 4, 2014 Marcie Glenn and Vince Duran
Friday Jun 06, 2014
Friday Jun 06, 2014
How do you build a successful team? With great talent of course! Marcie Glenn, CEO of Another Source joined our program to discuss how her firm is helping CEO's and business leaders of middle market companies find and maintain great talent. Another Source is a recruitment services firm matching top talent with top companies. Vince Duran, owner of Duran Ads, joined us in the studio to talk about the success of his advertising firm. In an age where new technology has taken over the industry, Vince finds that traditional advertising and marketing is actually the most effective way to market a product.

Friday Jun 06, 2014
Friday Jun 06, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show presents Final Fridays LIVE at Brandman University. Our expert panelists included Pamela Hersperger, VP of Content at Flatworld Knowledge; Sigmund Fidyke, Chief Technology Officer at Chicklabs, LLC; Nancy Salzman, Dean of Extended Education at Brandman University and Cathy Margolin, Associate Dean of Brandman University. Our guest panelists enthusiastically discussed exploring the role of technology in the future of higher education.

Wednesday Jun 04, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show June 3, 2014 Michael Sawitz
Wednesday Jun 04, 2014
Wednesday Jun 04, 2014
Ever wondered how start up companies get their start? Chief Enthusiasm Officer, of Fast Start Studio, Michael Sawitz joined us in the studio to share with us how Fast Start Studio is helping start ups get their momentum and take off into the market. Michael discusses some of the acceptance criteria Fast Start Studio looks for when choosing companies to work with and help launch.

Wednesday Jun 04, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show June 3, 2014 Chris Rimlinger and Michael Sawitz
Wednesday Jun 04, 2014
Wednesday Jun 04, 2014
Are you interested in learning tips and ways to clean up your marketing strategy for the rest of the year. Chris Rimlinger, senior VP of Marketing at Money Mailer joined our show to talk about how CEO's and business leaders of middle market companies can look over their marketing plan to make effective changes for better results. Chris also talks about the success of Money Mailer print coupons in a world of digital coupons. Ever wondered how start up companies get their start? Chief Enthusiasm Officer, of Fast Start Studio, Michael Sawitz joined us in the studio to share with us how Fast Start Studio is helping start ups get their momentum and take off into the market. Michael discusses some of the acceptance criteria Fast Start Studio looks for when choosing companies to work with and help launch.

Monday Jun 02, 2014
Critical Mass Non-Profit Radio Show May 28, 2014 Tom Pollack
Monday Jun 02, 2014
Monday Jun 02, 2014
CEO of ExplorOcean, Tom Pollack, also joins us in the studio to talk about his path to ExplorOcean. Tom talks to us about some of the programs ExplorOcean is offers in educating youth about the ocean. He also talks about the upcoming event Simply Sustainable Seafood Fest on June 8, 2014 celebrating World Ocean Day.

Monday Jun 02, 2014
Monday Jun 02, 2014
VP of Instruction Dr. Vince Rodriguez and Nhadira Johnson, Acting Director of Marketing and Public Relations at Coastline Community College join us for our non-profit segment to share more about Coastline Community College and what the college is doing to help its students. Dr. Rodriguez also talks to us about the latest in how technology is changing education and how it has affected the growth of the college. CEO of ExplorOcean, Tom Pollack, also joins us in the studio to talk about his path to ExplorOcean. Tom talks to us about some of the programs ExplorOcean is offers in educating youth about the ocean. He also talks about the upcoming event Simply Sustainable Seafood Fest on June 8, 2014 celebrating World Ocean Day.

Wednesday May 28, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show May 21, 2014 Andy LaPointe
Wednesday May 28, 2014
Wednesday May 28, 2014
From full time corporate world to self service entreprenuer world, author of The Five Day Weekend, Andy LaPointe joined
our program to talk about his book and how business leaders out there
can achieve that goal of having a five day weekend.

Wednesday May 28, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show May 21, 2014 Dana Borowka and Andy LaPointe
Wednesday May 28, 2014
Wednesday May 28, 2014
Co-founder and CEO of Lighthouse Consulting Service, Dana Borowka joined us in the studio to talk about how his firm is helping CEO's and business leaders of middle market companies. Starting out in business at a very young age, Dana shares his unique path and experiences that lead him to Lighthouse Consulting Services, LLC. From full time corporate world to self service entreprenuer world, author of The Five Day Weekend, Andy LaPointe joined our program to talk about his book and how business leaders out there can achieve that goal of having a five day weekend.

Friday May 23, 2014
Critical Mass Coast to Coast Radio Show May 22, 2014 Mary Morris
Friday May 23, 2014
Friday May 23, 2014
Brainstorming ideas on how to pay for higher education? Mary Morris, CEO of Virginia 529 joins our program to share with us how her firm is assisting families in planning their financial strategy for higher education. Mary discuss with us some of the financial programs and services that Virginia 529 is offering to its community.

Wednesday May 21, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show May 20, 2014 Mark Cavicchia
Wednesday May 21, 2014
Wednesday May 21, 2014
Move over Netflix and Hulu, the latest innovation in viewing content technology is joining the ranks. CEO of Wherever.TV, Mark Cavicchia joins the program to talk about his take on internet television and how evolving technology along with inspiration from the next generation of on the goers has fostered the idea to stream live content from anywhere. Wherever.TV will allow consumers to stream live television from anywhere in the world over the internet.

Friday May 16, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show May 15, 2014 Marietta Alba
Friday May 16, 2014
Friday May 16, 2014
Marietta Alba, President of Apartment and Relocation Center joined our program from San Antonio, Texas to share with us who her target clients are and how she is helping them. Marietta also talks about the power of working with millennials and other generations to help foster new ideas and growth within the company.

Thursday May 15, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show May 14, 2014 Tommy Skinner
Thursday May 15, 2014
Thursday May 15, 2014
How did his career as a CPA turn into a career as an expert in customer service? Tommy Skinner, VP of SHIFT Freight joined us in the studio and shared his path to his firm. SHIFT Freight prides itself in providing for its clients excellent customer service and a superior customer experience.

Thursday May 15, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show May 14, 2014 Martin Fukuda and Tommy Skinner
Thursday May 15, 2014
Thursday May 15, 2014
Is print media really gone? Not according to Martin Fukuda, COO of N2 Publishing. Martin joined our program to share with us how his publishing firm is thriving in a world of new technology. N2 Publishing creates specialized reader content driven magazine publications throughout communities in over 40 states. How did his career as a CPA turn into a career as an expert in customer service? Tommy Skinner, VP of SHIFT Freight joined us in the studio and shared his path to his firm. SHIFT Freight prides itself in providing for its clients excellent customer service and a superior customer experience.

Wednesday May 14, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show May 13, 2014 Nicolas Pulecio
Wednesday May 14, 2014
Wednesday May 14, 2014
Partner at Anton and Chia, LLP, Nicolas Pulecio joined us in the studio to talk about how his firm is helping middle market companies through financial auditing and internal controls. Nicolas shares with us how his entrepreneurial path led him to Anton and Chia and how his firm has also expanded internationally.

Wednesday May 14, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show May 13, 2014 Jennifer Shirkani and Nicolas Pulecio
Wednesday May 14, 2014
Wednesday May 14, 2014
Ever wondered how emotional intelligence can play a role in your effectiveness as a business leader? Jennifer Shirkani, founder of Penumbra and author of EGO vs EQ (Emotional Intelligence) joined our program to talk about her latest book and explain to us the dynamics between ego and emotional intelligence. Partner at Anton and Chia, LLP, Nicolas Pulecio joined us in the studio to talk about how his firm is helping middle market companies through financial auditing and internal controls. Nicolas shares with us how his entrepreneurial path led him to Anton and Chia and how his firm has also expanded internationally.

Friday May 09, 2014
Critical Mass Coast to Coast Radio Show May 8, 2014 Woody Hogg
Friday May 09, 2014
Friday May 09, 2014
Woody Hogg, owner of ERA Woody Hogg & Associates joined our radio program to share with us how his family owned firm in Richmond, VA has created its business model for success in the real estate industry. Woody also shares how his firm survived the economic ups and downs during the nations economic recession.

Friday May 09, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show May 7, 2014 Darrell Lester
Friday May 09, 2014
Friday May 09, 2014
Ever wonder that your chances really are of winning a Publishers Clearing House sweepstakes? Author of The Naked Truth about Publishers Clearing House, Darrell Lester joined our program to talk about his book and share some of the inside secrets as well as the myths and truths about the nationally known company.

Wednesday May 07, 2014
Critical Mass Non-Profit Radio Show May 1, 2014 Women Helping Women
Wednesday May 07, 2014
Wednesday May 07, 2014
Our host Ric Franzi attended the annual Women Helping Women Mission Possible Fashion Show and was able to talk to a few attendees about event. Women helping Women Men to Work is a non profit organization who's mission is to provide "employment support services to empower disadvantaged men, women and teens to achieve economic self sufficiency through employment success."

Wednesday May 07, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show May 6, 2014 Kenneth Wills
Wednesday May 07, 2014
Wednesday May 07, 2014
President of New Prospects Contact Center Kenneth Wills joined or show to talk about some of the services his firm offers and share with us how the latest technology in communication has contributed to the success of his firm. The mission of the company is to be recognized as the nations contact center of choice for customers.

Wednesday May 07, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show May 6, 2014 Pete Winiarski and Kenneth Wills
Wednesday May 07, 2014
Wednesday May 07, 2014
Did you know that almost 90% of business transformations fail? Interested in successfully transforming your business? Pete Winiarski, Founder and CEO of Win Enterprises LLC, joined our program today to talk about how his firm is helping middle market companies transform their business and helping them to achieve their business and personal goals as well. President of New Prospects Contact Center, Kenneth Wills joined or show to talk about some of the services his firm offers and share with us how the latest technology in communication has contributed to the success of his firm. The mission of the company is to be recognized as the nations contact center of choice for customers.

Saturday May 03, 2014
Saturday May 03, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show presents Final Fridays LIVE at Brandman University. Our expert panelists included Mick Ukleja, founder and president of Leadership TraQ, Herb Callahan, Corporate Director of Golden State Foods, Ryan Hines, Public Relations Coordinator at Chapman University and Dr. Kathleen Bates, Professor at Brandman University. Our guest panelists enthusiastically discussed the issue of keys to successfully managing Millennials in the workforce and the growing trend in how different generations have shaped and influenced work place.

Friday May 02, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show May 1, 2014 Dr. Mira Farka and Women Helping Women
Friday May 02, 2014
Friday May 02, 2014
A professor in the Department of Economics at California State University Fullerton, Dr. Mira Farka joined us in the studio to give us an update on the current economic forecast. Dr. Farka briefly touched on many top trending topics for discussion such as the impact of growing technology and the state of the current labor market. Our host Ric Franzi attended the annual Women Helping Women Mission Possible Fashion Show and was able to talk to a few attendees about event. Women helping Women Men to Work is a non profit organization who's mission is to provide "employment support services to empower disadvantaged men, women and teens to achieve economic self sufficiency through employment success."

Thursday May 01, 2014
Critical Mass Non-Profit Radio Show April 30, 2014 Robin Sinclair
Thursday May 01, 2014
Thursday May 01, 2014
Robin Sinclair, the executive director at the Casa Youth Shelter joined our program to talk about her path through many different non-profit organizations and how she became involved with Casa Youth Shelter. Casa Youth Shelter was founded by Myldred E. Jones in 1978 and its mission is to provide temporary shelter for runaways and youth in crisis.

Thursday May 01, 2014
Thursday May 01, 2014
Russel Hornbeek, Founder and CEO of Music Saves Lives, joined us in the studio to talk about his passion for starting this organization that raises awareness of blood disease and the importance of blood donation among todays youth. Russel tells us a little more about the organizations partnerships with summer music festivals and how young people are inspired and motivated to participate in the blood donation cause. Robin Sinclair, the executive director at the Casa Youth Shelter joined our program to talk about her path through many different non-profit organizations and how she became involved with Casa Youth Shelter. Casa Youth Shelter was founded by Myldred E. Jones in 1978 and its mission is to provide temporary shelter for runaways and youth in crisis.

Wednesday Apr 30, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show April 29, 2014 Mark Pastin
Wednesday Apr 30, 2014
Wednesday Apr 30, 2014
Ever wondered how much ethics plays a part in business? Mark Pastin, Ethics Consultant and Author of Making an Ethical Difference: Tools for Better Action, joined our program to talk about how taking a look at your ethical strategy and incorporating ethical changes can effect the success of your middle market company.

Friday Apr 25, 2014
Critical Mass Coast to Coast Radio Show April 24, 2014 Renee Fisher
Friday Apr 25, 2014
Friday Apr 25, 2014
Managing Partner at VACO Richmond in Richmond, VA, Renee Fisher joined our show to discuss how quality customer service and highly valued business ethics has earned VACO a successful name among its clients of middle market companies in the Virginia area. VACO Richmond is a family of about 28 like minded LLC's across the nation including Southern California locations in Los Angeles, Orange County and San Diego.

Friday Apr 25, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show April 23, 2014 Dave Bowman
Friday Apr 25, 2014
Friday Apr 25, 2014
Co-author of Gordon Gekko, CEO: Lessons from Wall Street for a Winning Attitude, Dave Bowman joined our program to talk about how the book can help CEO's and leaders of middle market companies grow their business. Authors Doug Hess and Dave Bowman write about tips and strategies on how to utilize business information and put them into productive action in order to create a successful business.

Wednesday Apr 23, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show April 22, 2014 David Misch
Wednesday Apr 23, 2014
Wednesday Apr 23, 2014
Newly appointed CEO of Community Bank, David Misch joined us in the studio to discuss some of the trends in commercial bank lending and shared with us how his experiences and expertise lead him to become a part of Community Bank. Community Bank is an independent and family owned bank with 17 branches across Southern California serving the needs of small and middle market companies.

Wednesday Apr 23, 2014
Critical Mass Non-Profit Radio Show April 17, 2014 Bruce Berman
Wednesday Apr 23, 2014
Wednesday Apr 23, 2014
Foundation Director of Golden West College Foundation, Bruce Berman returned to the show to talk about the foundations latest event the 17th annual gala. Our host Ric Franzi attended the event and shared some the nights great highlights and interviews with some of the attendees of the extravagant event.

Wednesday Apr 23, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show April 16, 2014 Dana Wilde
Wednesday Apr 23, 2014
Wednesday Apr 23, 2014
Founder and CEO of The Mind Aware, Dana Wilde joined our program to discuss how the power of positive thinking and action can truly effect your personal life and business life. Dana talks about how she is helping CEO's and business leaders of middle market companies retrain their brain to achieve business growth and success.

Friday Apr 18, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show April 16, 2014 Genese Davis and Dana Wilde
Friday Apr 18, 2014
Friday Apr 18, 2014
Ever wonder how the world of online gaming could create a significant impact on social development as well as business development? Genese Davis, Author of The Holders Dominion, joined us in the studio to discuss how her path lead her to becoming a thought leader in the gaming culture and its social development. Genese is also a host, media personality and dips in a cluster of other roles as a business women. Founder and CEO of The Mind Aware, Dana Wilde joined our program to discuss how the power of positive thinking and action can truly effect your personal life and business life. Dana talks about how she is helping CEO's and business leaders of middle market companies retrain their brain to achieve business growth and success.

Wednesday Apr 16, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show April 15, 2014 MJ Hong
Wednesday Apr 16, 2014
Wednesday Apr 16, 2014
Owner and CEO of The Wine Artist, MJ Hong joined us in the studios to share her story behind her entrepreneurial endeavor. With more than 10 years in the corporate world, MJ decided it was finally time to pursue her passion and took over The Wine Artist, a private events venue. She talks about some of the challenges and obstacles she faced while undertaking this new adventure and how she continues to grow her business.

Monday Apr 14, 2014
Critical Mass Coast to Coast Radio Show April 10, 2014 Greg Papay
Monday Apr 14, 2014
Monday Apr 14, 2014
Greg Papay, Managing Partner at Lake/Flato Architects joined the show to discuss how the success of his firm is driven by focusing on basic business principles. Greg's company primarily focuses on being a design first architectural firm.

Monday Apr 14, 2014
Monday Apr 14, 2014
Founding Principal and Managing Director at Oyster Consulting, LLC., Patrick Dennis joined our program to talk about how his Richmond, VA firm is growing and continues to help middle market companies with their business solutions. Patrick accounts for his firms rapid and successful growth due to the experience and real world knowledge of his team in assisting clients and business leaders of these middle market companies. Greg Papay, Managing Partner at Lake/Flato Architects joined the show to discuss how the success of his firm is driven by focusing on basic business principles. Greg's company primarily focuses on being a design first architectural firm.

Monday Apr 14, 2014
Critical Mass Coast to Coast Radio Show April 3, 2013 Mark Niederauer
Monday Apr 14, 2014
Monday Apr 14, 2014
Cheif Technology Officer Mark Niederauer of EO2 Concepts joined the program to discuss some of the challenges and obstacles facing their medical technology company as well as sharing some best practices of the special organization called MIOSA, which is made up of medical start ups.

Wednesday Apr 09, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show April 9, 2014 Gil Cargill
Wednesday Apr 09, 2014
Wednesday Apr 09, 2014
Founder and CEO of Cargill Consulting Group, Gil Cargill joined us in the studio to talk about the top nine secrets in which middle market companies can improve their sales and grow their business. Gil also stresses a good foundation for a good sales strategy starts from the executive seat and talks about his sales executive coaching programs.

Wednesday Apr 09, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show April 8, 2014 Chuck Wall
Wednesday Apr 09, 2014
Wednesday Apr 09, 2014
Ever wanted to know how powerful the pull of customers are in business? Chuck Wall, founder and CEO of MarketPower Group joined our program to discuss some of the most important customer powers that drive businesses. Chuck talks to us about how middle market companies can better understand the needs of customers and in turn utilize them to profit and grow their business.

Wednesday Apr 09, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show April 8, 2014 Anthony Girolami and Chuck Wall
Wednesday Apr 09, 2014
Wednesday Apr 09, 2014
Founder and CEO of his own firm Girolami Legal Group, Anthony Girolami joined us in the studio to discuss how middle market companies can use exporting to grow their business sales. Anthony talks about his unusual business path that has now lead him to be able to market and assist companies all over the nation, Mexico and Latin America. Ever wanted to know how powerful the pull of customers are in business? Chuck Wall, founder and CEO of MarketPower Group joined our program to discuss some of the most important customer powers that drive businesses. Chuck talks to us about how middle market companies can better understand the needs of customers and in turn utilize them to profit and grow their business.

Thursday Apr 03, 2014
Thursday Apr 03, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show presents Final Fridays LIVE at Brandman University. Our expert panelists included Adam Chapnick, principal evangelist for IndieGoGo; Torrey Tayenaka, CEO and co-founder of Sparkhouse; and Cathy Margolin, Associate Dean of Brandman University. Our guest panelists enthusiastically discussed the issue of how middle market companies can use crowdfunding as a strategic funding option and how utilizing this resource has become a growing trend among many businesses.

Wednesday Apr 02, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show April 2, 2014 Linda Landers
Wednesday Apr 02, 2014
Wednesday Apr 02, 2014
Linda Landers, Founder and CEO of Girl Power Marketing
joined us in the studio to discuss the role and power of women in
business purchasing decisions. Linda says that in reality, women make
up the majority of consumer purchases and can be an influential target
audience for middle market companies.

Wednesday Apr 02, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show April 2, 2014 Lara DeVito and Linda Landers
Wednesday Apr 02, 2014
Wednesday Apr 02, 2014
Founder and CEO of FiveToolCFO, Inc., Lara DeVito joined our program to talk about how her firm is helping middle market companies improve their business strategy by hiring and working with a senior financial executive. Lara is a strong believer in research driven sourcing and contributes that to success with her clients. Linda Landers, Founder and CEO of Girl Power Marketing joined us in the studio to discuss the role and power of women in business purchasing decisions. Linda says that in reality, women make up the majority of consumer purchases and can be an influential target audience for middle market companies.

Wednesday Apr 02, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show March 25, 2014 Steve Gross
Wednesday Apr 02, 2014
Wednesday Apr 02, 2014
Steve Gross, managing director at Edison Capital Partners joined our program to discuss how his firm is helping middle market companies increase business profitability. Steve shares with our audiences how his firm helps identify disruptive factors that can hinder a company's profitability and success.

Tuesday Apr 01, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show April 1, 2014 Dr. Glenn Worthington
Tuesday Apr 01, 2014
Tuesday Apr 01, 2014
Dean of the School of Business and Professional Studies at Brandman University, Dr. Glenn Worthington joins our program to talk about what brought him to Brandman University. Dr. Worthington also discusses the growth of the university since its beginnings and dabbles into Brandman's newest endeavor to create a Competency Based Education program for their students.

Friday Mar 28, 2014
Critical Mass Coast to Coast Radio Show March 27, 2104 Dominick Alongi
Friday Mar 28, 2014
Friday Mar 28, 2014
President of Pest Shield Pest Control Dominick Alongi, joined our show from Texas to talk about his firm has become innovators in the pest control industry through the company's principle of practicing excellent customer service. Dominick shares with us some of the ups and downs of the pest control industry and how he continues to run a successful business.

Friday Mar 28, 2014
Friday Mar 28, 2014
Jason Fair, Chief Executive Officer at Genesis Consulting, having just stepped off a plane from Romania at a NATO conference to join our program, discussed how his background in SAP technologies is helping his clients of middle market companies. Jason talks about how many CEO's and business leaders of middle market companies are reluctant to use SAP technologies for fear of the unknown, but in the end, says it will become a great asset to creating effective business strategies and solutions. President of Pest Shield Pest Control Dominick Alongi, joined our show from Texas to talk about his firm has become innovators in the pest control industry through the company's principle of practicing excellent customer service. Dominick shares with us some of the ups and downs of the pest control industry and how he continues to run a successful business.

Wednesday Mar 26, 2014
Critical Mass Non-Profit Radio Show March 26, 2014 Fabie Combs
Wednesday Mar 26, 2014
Wednesday Mar 26, 2014
Entering and winning her first pageant as Ms. Senior Orange County 2013, Fabie Combs joins our program to talk about the Ms. Senior California of America
organization. Founded in 1972, the organization aims to honor and
promote women who have reached the "age of elegance". Fabie also shares
with us some of the work she has done and the events she has been able
to participate in as Ms. Senior Orange County 2013.

Wednesday Mar 26, 2014
Critical Mass Non-Profit Radio Show March 26, 2104 Jerri Rosen and Fabie Combs
Wednesday Mar 26, 2014
Wednesday Mar 26, 2014
After accidentally becoming the founder and CEO of Working Wardrobes 24 years ago, Jerri Rosen has worked to continuously grow the organization. Jerri joined us in the studio to talk about some of the programs and services offered by Working Wardrobes serving men, women, young adults and veterans entering the workforce. Jerri also talks about the organizations up coming event called VetNet Nite. Entering and winning her first pageant as Ms. Senior Orange County 2013, Fabie Combs joins our program to talk about the Ms. Senior California of America organization. Founded in 1972, the organization aims to honor and promote women who have reached the "age of elegance". Fabie also shares with us some of the work she has done and the events she has been able to participate in as Ms. Senior Orange County 2013.

Tuesday Mar 25, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show March 25, 2014 Glen Carlson
Tuesday Mar 25, 2014
Tuesday Mar 25, 2014
Senior Vice President at BB&T Insurance Service of California, Glen Carlson
joined us in the studio to talk about some of the biggest risk
management issues facing business leaders and CEO's of middle market
companies. Glen shared with us some examples of how risk management can
greatly effect a company and what types of business solutions and
actions a firm should take.

Tuesday Mar 25, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show March 25, 2014 Steve Gross and Glen Carlson
Tuesday Mar 25, 2014
Tuesday Mar 25, 2014
Steve Gross, managing director at Edison Capital Partners joined our program to discuss how his firm is helping middle market companies increase business profitability. Steve shares with our audiences how his firm helps identify disruptive factors that can hinder a company's profitability and success. Senior Vice President at BB&T Insurance Service of California, Glen Carlson joined us in the studio to talk about some of the biggest risk management issues facing business leaders and CEO's of middle market companies. Glen shared with us some examples of how risk management can greatly effect a company and what types of business solutions and actions a firm should take.

Thursday Mar 20, 2014
Critical Mass Coast to Coast Radio Show March 20, 2014 Steve Winston
Thursday Mar 20, 2014
Thursday Mar 20, 2014
Founder and CEO of The Payments Company in Richmond, VA, Steve Winston
joined our program to discuss how his firm is helping clients from
middle market companies switch to a digital and automated vendor payment
method. The Payments Company helps its clients customize and manager an
efficient e-payment program

Thursday Mar 20, 2014
Thursday Mar 20, 2014
Darrell Pearson, Principal at PBK Incorporated, an architecture
engineering and planning firm, joined our program to discuss how their
passion for client driven services have helped middle market companies
reach their goals. Founder and CEO of The Payments Company
in Richmond, VA, Steve Winston joined our program to discuss how his
firm is helping clients from middle market companies switch to a digital
and automated vendor payment method. The Payments Company helps its
clients customize and manager an efficient e-payment program.

Wednesday Mar 19, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show March 19, 2014 Mike Carroll
Wednesday Mar 19, 2014
Wednesday Mar 19, 2014
Founder and CEO of Intelligent Conversations, Mike Carroll joined our program today to share with our audiences some of the biggest challenges facing CEO's of middle market companies when it comes to their sales strategies. Mike also talks about his blog series that is targeted to business leaders on how to asses their current sales plans and some effective sales solutions.

Wednesday Mar 19, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show March 18, 2014 Joan Gladstone
Wednesday Mar 19, 2014
Wednesday Mar 19, 2014
Joan Gladstone, Founder and CEO of Gladstone International joined us in
the studio to talk about how her firm is helping middle market companies
deal with business crisis. Joan talks about her first major
case in which she took on the crisis management of the Orange County
bankruptcy back in 1994.

Wednesday Mar 19, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show March 18, 2014 James Alampi and Joan Gladstone
Wednesday Mar 19, 2014
Wednesday Mar 19, 2014
Want to know what are the workplaces biggest time wasters? James
Alampi founder and Managing Director of Alampi and Associates, LLP
joined our program today to talk about what employers and employees can
do to avoid big time wasting barriers and focus on executing and
achieving business results. Joan Gladstone, Founder and
CEO of Gladstone International joined us in the studio to talk about how
her firm is helping middle market companies deal with business crisis.
Joan talks about her first major case in which she took on the
crisis management of the Orange County bankruptcy back in 1994.

Thursday Mar 13, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show March 13, 2014 Jim Canfield
Thursday Mar 13, 2014
Thursday Mar 13, 2014
Jim Canfield, CEO of Renaissance Executive Forums, joined us in the studio today to talk about how the international organization of CEO Peer Groups is helping business leaders of middle market firms. Jim has been involved in this CEO Peer Group for over 20 years and attributes his own success in business to the power of collaborating with other CEO's through Renaissance Executive Forums.

Wednesday Mar 12, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show March 12, 2014 Ron Ashkenas
Wednesday Mar 12, 2014
Wednesday Mar 12, 2014
Ron Ashkenas, Senior Partner at Schaffer Consulting joined the show to discuss how his firm is helping
CEO's and businesses leaders of middle market companies achieve rapid

Wednesday Mar 12, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show March 12, 2014 Gini Dietrich and Ron Ashkenas
Wednesday Mar 12, 2014
Wednesday Mar 12, 2014
Founder and CEO of the Chicago based marketing and communications
firm Arment Dietrich, Gini Dietrich joined the program to talk about how
middle market companies can use technology and digital communications
to drive sales in a businesses. Gini also talks about the motivation
behind her blog Spin Sucks.Ron Ashkenas, Senior Partner at Schaffer Consulting joined the show to discuss how his firm is helping
CEO's and businesses leaders of middle market companies achieve rapid

Tuesday Mar 11, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show March 11, 2014 Bruce Conklin
Tuesday Mar 11, 2014
Tuesday Mar 11, 2014
and Managing Partner at The Fidelis Group, Bruce Conklin joined the
program to discuss how his firm is helping middle market companies
compete in a changing and growing marketplace. With Bruce's background
in business turnaround, Bruce leads his company to focus on assisting
his clients in risk management, operations solutions and marketing

Tuesday Mar 11, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show March 11, 2014 Mark Nielsen and Bruce Conklin
Tuesday Mar 11, 2014
Tuesday Mar 11, 2014
Did you know that approximately 90% of all texts are opened within 3
minutes of being received? Mark Nielsen, founder and executive chairman
of TextPower, Inc. joined us in the studio to talk about how his firm
is using the power of text messaging as a means for faster and a more
cost effective communication application for businesses. Founder
and Managing Partner at The Fidelis Group, Bruce Conklin joined the
program to discuss how his firm is helping middle market companies
compete in a changing and growing marketplace. With Bruce's background
in business turnaround, Bruce leads his company to focus on assisting
his clients in risk management, operations solutions and marketing

Monday Mar 10, 2014
Critical Mass Coast to Coast Radio Show March 6, 2014 Leo Munoz
Monday Mar 10, 2014
Monday Mar 10, 2014
Leo Munoz, a Director of Risk Advisory Services at Padgett Stratemann joins the program from San Antonio, Texas to talk about how his firm helps middle market companies from becoming victims of fraud. Leo specializes in risk advisory services for his clients and insists that all companies, big or small, non-profit or for profit are all at risk for fraud.

Wednesday Mar 05, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show March 5, 2014 Hank Mondaca
Wednesday Mar 05, 2014
Wednesday Mar 05, 2014
VP of
Western Region at Sonic Mobile Hank Mondaca joined our program to talk
about the usage of text and mobile marketing. Hank discusses some of the
factors on how mobile marketing can be effective to middle market
companies trying to reach out to their target audiences.

Wednesday Mar 05, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show March 5, 2014 Linda LoRe and Hank Mondaca
Wednesday Mar 05, 2014
Wednesday Mar 05, 2014
Linda LoRe, Co-founder and CEO of Injoy Global joined us in the
studio today to discuss why the majority of employees are unsatisfied in
their work environment and what CEO's and executives of middle market
companies can do to change this alarming attitude. VP of
Western Region at Sonic Mobile Hank Mondaca joined our program to talk
about the usage of text and mobile marketing. Hank discusses some of the
factors on how mobile marketing can be effective to middle market
companies trying to reach out to their target audiences.

Tuesday Mar 04, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show March 4, 2014 Mark Murphy
Tuesday Mar 04, 2014
Tuesday Mar 04, 2014
Author and speaker, Mark Murphy of the Leadership IQ joined our program to break down the science of leadership. Mark shared with us his step by step program for business leaders and entrepreneurs on how to recognize and learn effective leadership skills in order to maintain a successful and motivated workforce.

Tuesday Mar 04, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show March 4, 2014 Eileen McDargh and Mark Murphy
Tuesday Mar 04, 2014
Tuesday Mar 04, 2014
Eileen McDargh, the founder and CEO of the Resiliency Group joined us in the studio to talk about the power of communication and how middle market firms can use the power of resiliency to achieve success in their business. Eileen defines resiliency as growing through challenge or opportunity to achieve success and attributes the growing productivity and motivation to this attitude. Author and speaker, Mark Murphy of the Leadership IQ joined our program to break down the science of leadership. Mark shared with us his step by step program for business leaders and entrepreneurs on how to recognize and learn effective leadership skills in order to maintain a successful and motivated workforce.

Sunday Mar 02, 2014
Critical Mass Coast to Coast Radio Show February 27, 2014 Craig Forbes
Sunday Mar 02, 2014
Sunday Mar 02, 2014
Craig Forbes, founder of Alpha Omega Wealth Management in Virginia joined our show to talk about how his firm helps manage investments and financial issues for individuals and middle market companies. Craig contributes the success of the firm through its commitment and involvement with the community of central Virginia.

Saturday Mar 01, 2014
Saturday Mar 01, 2014
Business adviser and innovation consultant, Thomas J. Buckholtz of T.J. Buckholtz & Associates, joined our program to discuss how he has used business innovation to help his clients and talks about how middle market companies can benefit from his method of the Direct Outcomes checklists.Craig Forbes, founder of Alpha Omega Wealth Management in Virginia joined our show to talk about how his firm helps manage investments and financial issues for individuals and middle market companies. Craig contributes the success of the firm through its commitment and involvement with the community of central Virginia.

Thursday Feb 27, 2014
Critical Mass Non-Profit Radio Show February 26, 2014 James Eckel and Candace Chromy
Thursday Feb 27, 2014
Thursday Feb 27, 2014
Candace Chromy, Executive Director of the Heritage Museum of Orange County and James Eckel,
the Director of Development of the Heritage Museum of Orange County
joined us in the studio to share more about the museums newest project
renovation of The Maag Farmhouse.

Wednesday Feb 26, 2014
Critical Mass Non-Profit Radio Show February 26, 2014 Bruce Berman and Kevin Macaulay
Wednesday Feb 26, 2014
Wednesday Feb 26, 2014
Director of the Golden West College Foundation Bruce Berman and foundation board member Kevin Macaulay
joined the program to share more about the goals and mission of the
Golden West College Foundation. Bruce and Kevin also discuss the
foundations main fundraising event, the 17th annual Golden West College
Gala on April 5, 2014.

Wednesday Feb 26, 2014
Wednesday Feb 26, 2014
Candace Chromy, Executive Director of the Heritage Museum of Orange County and James Eckel, the Director of Development of the Heritage Museum of Orange County joined us in the studio to share more about the museums newest project renovation of The Maag Farmhouse. Director of the Golden West College Foundation Bruce Berman and foundation board member Kevin Macaulay joined the program to share more about the goals and mission of the Golden West College Foundation. Bruce and Kevin also discuss the foundations main fundraising event, the 17th annual Golden West College Gala on April 5, 2014.

Tuesday Feb 25, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show February 25, 2014 Chuck Hester
Tuesday Feb 25, 2014
Tuesday Feb 25, 2014
Managing Partner at Affinity Alliance, Inc., Chuck Hester
joined our program to talk about how to utilize the power and resources
of social media outlets such as LinkedIn to reach your target audiences
and build both a personal and professional brand. Chuck also talks
about his weekly podcasts Linked Conversations.

Tuesday Feb 25, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show February 25, 2014 Larry Sidoti and Chuck Hester
Tuesday Feb 25, 2014
Tuesday Feb 25, 2014
Larry Sidoti, VP of Development at Yogurtland joined us in the studio to talk about how Yogurtland revolutionary concept of self service set Yogurtland apart from the rest of the soft serve yogurt brands. Larry discuss the three factors that are key points in the success of a brand: a high quality product, a good value proposition and an interactive experience. Managing Partner at Affinity Alliance, Inc., Chuck Hester joined our program to talk about how to utilize the power and resources of social media outlets such as LinkedIn to reach your target audiences and build both a personal and professional brand. Chuck also talks about his weekly podcasts Linked Conversations.

Wednesday Feb 19, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show February 19, 2014 Lynn Langit
Wednesday Feb 19, 2014
Wednesday Feb 19, 2014
Big Data/Cloud Technical Architect Consultant Lynn Langit,
joined our program to talk about the latest trend in data technology
and how middle market companies and business leaders can benefit from
using this new technology to help grow and expand their firm.

Wednesday Feb 19, 2014
Critical Mass Radio Show February 19, 2014 Chip Espinoza and Lynn Langit
Wednesday Feb 19, 2014
Wednesday Feb 19, 2014
Dr. Chip Espinoza, Author and Director of Organizational Psychology Program at Concordia University Irvine as well as Senior Consultant with Red Tree Leadership joined us in the studio today to discuss his book Managing The Millennials and the issues surrounding millennials entering the current workforce. Big Data/Cloud Technical Architect Consultant Lynn Langit, joined our program to talk about the latest trend in data technology and how middle market companies and business leaders can benefit from using this new technology to help grow and expand their firm.